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The system Ranges

See the system for yourself. Suitable for all shooting ranges.

  • Easy conversion for all shooting ranges configurations
  • Existing ranges can be quickly converted.
  • Range operations can be maintained during conversion
  • The removal of pre-existing contaminated soil can be spread out over a long time frame without interfering with shooting operations
  • shotnet is designed and suitable for shotgun pellets of 2 mm to 2.6 mm, eg suitable for conventional lead shot (Pb) and steel shot (Fe).
  • Alternative net types are available for hunting ammunition


shotnet überzeugend in Idee und Ausführung

  • Grundkonstruktion bestehen aus Masten mit präziser Hebetechnik
  • kostengünstig
  • kurze Bauzeit, nur wenige Wochen
  • platzsparend bis zu 50% weniger im Vergleich zu einer herkömmlichen Wallanlage
  • Sturm- und Unwettersicher Dank spezieller Mechanik
